The Industrial Court family is profoundly saddened by the news of the passing of former Judge, His Honour Mr. Fitzroy Regis, affectionately known as Roy Regis.
HH Mr. Regis was appointed a Member of the Industrial Court of Trinidad and Tobago on December 1, 1994, and dedicated 11 years to the Court, serving in the General Services Division. He brought with him extensive experience in Industrial Relations, having held the position of Group Industrial Relations Manager at Neal & Massy Holdings Limited, served as an Executive Member of the Employers’ Consultative Association, and participated in the Standing Tripartite Committee on the Revision of the Retrenchment and Severance Benefits Act No. 32 of 1985. During his time on the bench, he presided over one of the Court’s landmark cases: Trade Dispute 96/96 between the Seamen and Waterfront Workers’ Trade Union and Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago.
Beyond his work at the Industrial Court, he had a deep passion for sports and was widely known for his enthusiasm for the steelpan. He was an active member of the Trinidad All Stars Steel Orchestra and the Pan Jazz Association.
The President, Judges, Registrar, and Staff of the Industrial Court extend their heartfelt condolences to his wife, children, friends, and loved ones during this time of sorrow.
May his soul rest in peace.